The truth be told, Jim, the pope does not *ware* any hat all. However, he does *wear* what is called a mitre. I suppose that a mitre might be considered a "funny hat."
Sadie Masokissdick
JoinedPosts by Sadie Masokissdick
That "thing" you should burn...
by Sparkplug inok, i think everyone has an outfit they own that possibly is just to be worn when alone.
on laundry day when there are no other clothes to wear, these items come out of our closets and get worn through the home.
wearing these outfits guarantees that company will show up.
Sadie Masokissdick
When I first read the tile of Sparkplug's topic, I thought that it would be about an elder's order to burn something possessed by those horrible gremlin-like "demunz" - something bought at a garage sale, or maybe a Smurf doll. Imagine my disappointment to learn it was about fashion or a lack thereof.
I feel like I'm Living a lie!
by kgav8r ini believe i have come to realize that i am no better than the jdubs myself.
for about six weeks now i have been going to a book study with a friend of my girlfriend.
i act very interested, i give him the answers he wants to hear, i am the perfect and progressing study.
Sadie Masokissdick
Dear kgav8r: I don't mean to sound insulting or provacative, but I have to admit to agreeing with your own assessment of yourself - you are indeed living a lie. And I am sure that you, of all people, are aware of who is considered to be the "father of all lies" in the Bible. Yes, that's right, it's the Evil One - Old Horny himself.
However [and again, I don't intend to sound provocative], what struck me the most about your post is the irony of it. You are just as dogmatic, preachy, and blind as the Witnesses that you are hoping to "save." You write that you are "concerned for the souls" of J.W's and that you want to "help them to know the true God (tm) and the nature and salvation of His Son, Yehsu." You're waiting for "the opportunity to share the true faith (tm) with all Witnesses."
As Mark Twain wrote in Letters From The Earth, "Man is the only animal professing to have the One True Religion; in fact, he has several of them." You would do well to heed J.T.'s advice and examine your own madness. You are in precisely the same sorry state as those that you are hoping to "save." As the ancient proverb admonition proclaims: "Physician, heal thyself!!!" Only savages and madmen claim to know the mind of God. In order to free others from the chains that bind their minds, you will first have to free your own mind.
Better yet, why not simply forget about converting others? After all, that is exacly what Witnesses try to do all the time. If I were you, I would not be so concerned with other people's religion. Again, Mark Twain had something to say in this regard. He wrote: "People seem to have forgotten the most important commandment of them all - 'Thou shalt be indifferent to thy neighbor's religion'". Would you like it if some one tried to disabuse you of your delusions? Why not let the Witnesses enjoy their delusions, while you enjoy yours?
by orangefatcat inrecently i have been doing alot of research on scriptures.
the book i am seeking is called the jerome commentary of the scriptures, it is both a reference of text and scholars that have come together to copy the meaning for serious bible students and theologians are assisted greatly by this book.
i know that new it costs quite alot, but if someone has one and not asking much i would be most grateful.
Sadie Masokissdick
Dear Orange Cat:
It just so happens that I have a copy of the very book that you are looking for; it's on the shelf of one of my bookcases in my office. Unfortunately, I live in Taiwan, which is quite far from Canada.
I have the combined two-volume edition, first published in 1968. The Library of Congress number is 68-9140. My edition was published by Prentice Hall. The editors are Raymond E. Brown; Joseph A. Fitzmeyer and Roland E. Murphy. The editors are all of the Jesuit or Carmelite Order.
Of course, you are aware that The Jerome Biblical Commentary is a Roman Catholic research volume. It bears both the nihil obstat and the Imprimatur. The Foreword was written by Augustin Cardinal Bea.
I bought the copy that I own, for ten U.S. dollars, about twenty years ago in used book store. It is a valuable research tool, so I did not mind the trouble of bringing it with me to Taiwan [I'm originally from the U.S.]. In any case, in addition to Amazon, I would recommend that you browse in used/antiquarian book stores. You perhaps may also try Christian or Roman Catholic book stores. A local Roman Catholic Church, or convent, or seminary in your neighborhood is also likely to have a copy on hand. This is a classic Roman Catholic research tome, so it should not be that hard to find a copy. I really do not know how much more difficult it would be for you to find a copy that you could purchase for yourself. I have the first [1968] edition; I trully do not know if there were later editions published after 1968. However, it would not surprise me to learn that there were subsequent editions. I imagine that there was a lot of research done during the intervening 40 years between 1968 and now.
Beyond giving you this information, there is not much more help that I can give you. If you need specific material on a specific topic, perhaps I could consult my copy and pass the findings on to you. To repeat, I think that your best bet would be to browse through used or antiquarian bookstores, or else religious bookstores. Good luck on your search. Best regards.
Help!! China and the Flood - insanity is nascent!!!!
by hamsterbait inthere was an asleep!
magazine in the 80's or early 90's about chinese and how the pictographs illustrated things not mentioned in chinese mythology.. 1: the chinese symbol for "covetousness" or "stealing" is a woman plucking fruit from a tree.. 2: the pictogram for "survive" is a picture of a boat with eight people in it.. these exx.
were claimed as remarkable since chinese myths do not include the corresponding biblical stories.. am i going mad?.
Sadie Masokissdick
By the way, did you see year of publication for the source that Earnest quotes? It was 1984. Hmmm, it has to make you wonder...1984. I wonder if that date has any symbolic/allegorical importance. Oh, Brooooown Boooy! Brown Boy, where are you? We need your insight and wisdom. Please make another miraculous appearance soon, and help us figure out this conundrum. Please! Please!
Help!! China and the Flood - insanity is nascent!!!!
by hamsterbait inthere was an asleep!
magazine in the 80's or early 90's about chinese and how the pictographs illustrated things not mentioned in chinese mythology.. 1: the chinese symbol for "covetousness" or "stealing" is a woman plucking fruit from a tree.. 2: the pictogram for "survive" is a picture of a boat with eight people in it.. these exx.
were claimed as remarkable since chinese myths do not include the corresponding biblical stories.. am i going mad?.
Sadie Masokissdick
Yes,I more or less figured that the article in question dated back to a much harsher, un-enlightened, and - hell, let's call a spade a spade and just say - "racist" era. How did I know? Well, the usage of the epithet "Chinaman" (as in "reputable Chinaman") is a dead give-away. By the way, I am happy that they were able to secure the assistance of a reputable Chinaman. Heaven forbid that they fall into the clutches of, and be mislead by, a disreputable Chinaman! You know the kind, the inscrutable Oriental against whom one must always be on guard.By the way, while I do believe that Earnest is being earnest (and I certainly believe in the importance of being earnest) I would not trust anything those nasty Chi-Coms (Chinese Communists) in Beijing publish. They're mean, ugly and nasty people who persecute religious minorities such as Falun Gong. And they are intent on destroying Tibetan culture.
Help!! China and the Flood - insanity is nascent!!!!
by hamsterbait inthere was an asleep!
magazine in the 80's or early 90's about chinese and how the pictographs illustrated things not mentioned in chinese mythology.. 1: the chinese symbol for "covetousness" or "stealing" is a woman plucking fruit from a tree.. 2: the pictogram for "survive" is a picture of a boat with eight people in it.. these exx.
were claimed as remarkable since chinese myths do not include the corresponding biblical stories.. am i going mad?.
Sadie Masokissdick
The Chinese ideogram [character] for boat or ship features the symbol for "mouth" [in Chinese, "kou"] on the bottom of right-hand side. However, the character above it is NOT the character for "eight." Therefore, the "eight mouths" conjecture is nonsense.
As for the character for greed [pronounced as lan in Chinese], it does indeed consist of combining two characters. The top half does mean "forest" [pronounced as lin in Chinese]. And below it is the character for "woman." However, the top part of the character functions only as a phonic element. That it to say that it gives an approximate indication in regard to how to pronounce the character. Many Chinese characters have two parts - one part gives an indication as to meaning, while the other provides a clue as to how to pronounce the character. Here, the phonic element [lin] provides a clue as to how to pronounce the Chinese character for "greed" [in Chinese, lan]. In other words, in the Chinese character for greed, the top half - which means "forest" - functions only as guide to pronunciation.
I cannot believe that the Watchtower would publish such ludicrous and chimerical conjectures. You would think that they would consult reliable sources like Chinese-language lexicons and dictionaries. And I'm sure that they could have easily consulted a native speaker of Chinese - something which they obviously did not do.
Prince and his wife are divorcing after 5 years of marriage...
by TresHappy in.
according to .
if someone else has posted this...sorry!
Sadie Masokissdick
I wonder where Zelaira is. I imagine that she will be very, very happy - even thrilled - to hear this news. Just think, now she finally has a chance with the artist formally known as "Prince."
Well, I think my apartment is haunted.
by Steve Lowry inyep, thats right, haunted.
i have never had a dwelling place with so many unexplained noise and goings on.
lights that have been turned off, magically turn back on and visa versa.
Sadie Masokissdick
Robdar: If possible, could you kindly give some details as to the age and location of the house (state and/or city)? What occurrences transpired there? What experiences did you have? Are you still living at that same location? If it is something that you feel you cannot talk about, or don't want to talk about, that would be understable. It's just that you piqued my curiosity.
Anyone here trying Byetta? New Diabetic Medicine from GIla monster spit.
by Wasanelder Once ini'm going to ask my doctor for byetta on monday.
my sugar has been running in the high 300's and i fear i am crashing.
the oral meds don't do it anymore and i need to lose weight.
Sadie Masokissdick
Dear Wasanelder: Have you ever considered undergoing gastric bypass surgery? If you ever decide to take this option, then I would I recommend a procedure called "roux-en-y." Roux-en-y is considered the "gold standard" of by-pass surgery because, with the roux-en-y procedure, a person avoids any chance of esphogagal cancer that occasionally is associated with the "mini-bypass" procedure. I underwent roux-en-y surgery in mid-December of 2005. Since then I have gone from 170 kilograms down to 115 kilograms; that is to say that I have lost 55 kilograms in about six months. My blood sugar level has correspondingly dropped from the 300's down to about 100-115. I no longer need to take the anti diabetes miletus drugs that I needed to take prior to the surgery. Likewise, I have stopped taking the beta-blocker drug, Sotatol. In fact, now I only need to take two pills a day - Glucoseme (because I have osteo-arthritis due to my prior obesity) and a multi-vitamin. The roux-en-y operation is very, very efficient for rapid, and permanent weight loss because it serves a dual purpose. It operates both on the principle of restriction and mal-absorbtion. That is to say, after the operation, food intake will be very much restricted or reduced because your entire large intestine will be by-passed, leaving only your small intestine for food intake. The mal-absorbtion principle means that whatever fat that you do intake will not be absorbed by your body. So, the operation has the "twin" benefits of restricted food intake and the malabsorbtion of fat. Of course, this is quite a radical surgical procedure requiring a lot of thought on the part of the person considering it. But, In my case, it saved my life.